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EasyShop advanced manual shipping addon is a shipping plugin for EasyShop e-commerce extension for Joomla!. It gives you greater flexibility in determining when difference shipping fee based on country/state/subzone option is available to your customers.
EasyShop advanced manual shipping addon allows you create many difference shipping records in the back-end and each shipping record which has a difference shipping fee based on the shipping location (country/state/subzone) in the front-end.
For eg. The shipping fee is $15 for the order which will been shipped to california state of the United States but it will be $20 for the Florida.
Each shipping record is only displayed in the checkout page if its restrictions which based on location (country/state/subzone) are match with the shipping address of the current order.
How to use
Download and install it with Joomla! installer.
For the general setting you can browse from this Methods standard setting URL.Min Php 5.4+ Joomla! version 3.5+ EasyShop version 1.0+