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- This payment method only uses VND (Vietnam Dong) currency.
" is the leading e-wallet and Online Payment Gateway and the pioneer in Vietnam, both in terms of products and services, as well as market coverage and payment flow. Developed by Nexttech Group (formerly known as PeaceSoft Group) since 2009, allows individuals and businesses to send and receive money on the Internet immediately in a SAFE, CONVENIENt and PROTECTED way."
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For the general setting you can browse from this Methods standard setting URL.Parameters
The payment NganLuong has some requirement parameters in the Payment Setting tab
Test mode: Select 'Yes' for test environment
Merchant ID*: Your Merchant ID provided by
Merchant Password*: Your Merchant Password provided by
Merchant Email*: Your Merchant Email provided by
Payment success message: No use.
Min Php 5.4+ Joomla! version 3.5+ EasyShop version 1.0+