Categories in breadcrumbs module

  • David Catalfano
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3 years 6 months ago - 3 years 5 months ago #300 by David Catalfano
Categories in breadcrumbs module was created by David Catalfano
Hopefully you can help me. I'm not able to get the categories to work with the default breadcrumbs module of Joomla. I've tried adding a basic category in the admin backend with no luck. I have also tried sending the category to mysql in php for #_categories and #_assets for that category. Both ways show up in Easyshop as a category. When I click the category on the front end it shows up in the browser url and page title but not breadcrumbs. What am I doing wrong or Is that even possible with Easyshop to have your categories and products have breadcrumbs?
Thank you,

Update: I was able to get the breadcrumbs to work by adding #_menu and #_categories rows into the database for each category. Then hit the rebuild button in backend for the menus and easymod.
Last edit: 3 years 5 months ago by David Catalfano.

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