Products Filter
Users can only review products that they have actually bought. The Admin can of course add new reviews and moderate/edit existing reviews.
Key Features
- Google search snipped
- Display review stars and vote count in product block and product detail
- Display review form on: Tab, after product and apply on module addon
- Restriction - required orders status and paid orders.
- Compatibility with Filter addon
- Owner's reply freature
The addon is very easy to use, there's something below you must notice.
Enable review: each product will have option from addon params to override this.
Who can review, orders status, paid orders: By default, only customer user (logged user) can access to review. You can also specify customers only in the groups and only customers who have products in the orders status and paid orders can access to review.
Owner's reply: Set 'Yes' to use this feature, current time each review has only 1 reply by admin.
Min Php 5.4+ Joomla! version 3.5+ EasyShop version 1.0+