Products Filter




Product Filter


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  • This is the best search and filter for EasyShop. An advanced filter for products by category, brand, price,custom field...

    Key Features

    • Filter by category
    • Filter by brand
    • Filter by price based on currency
    • Filter by custom fields
    • Filter by tags
    • Filter by review stars (Review addon only)
    • The best technical with HTML5 history
    • Live count products for each section


    EasyShop Filter include one plugin and one module to display the content of the filter box. The module is very easy to use, there's something below you must notice.

    For filter by custom fields: select the fields to show in groups or specify list fields.

    If it's groups then you need select the specific group or all group will be display and each group has an option to show/hide its title. You also can enter the list fields which will been excluded by a list alias of fields separaded by a comma.

    If it's list fields then you need enter a list alias of fields separaded by a comma.

    NOTE: Only The fields with type is checkbox, checkboxes, radio and dropdown can be used and all of fields will be display as a checkbox field type.

    For filter by prices: you need config the list range by price for each active currency.

    Go to currencies list from the navigation bar.
    Filter by price
    Select the RANGE BY PRICE tab and enter your custom range separade by a new line (Enter).
    Filter by price
  • Min Php 5.4+
    Joomla! version 3.5+
    EasyShop version 1.0+ All rights reserved.

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