EasyShop 1.2.0 release

EasyShop 1.2.0 is now available. This is a huge change of user interface and performance quality. This release brings a large of core change as well as advance notice a upcoming modern version of Easy Shop will be coming soon to compatibility with Joomla 3.9 and Joomla 4.0

Remove the local Font-awesome icon, use icon from CDN instead

One shortcoming here is that EasyShop uses both the Font-Awesome icon and the UIKit icons library, although the number of icons used is minimal. Therefore, the use of CDN for Font-Awesome (and maybe discarded in the near future) as a move to increase the efficiency of storage and use.

New Filters and DateTime picker

New Filters and DateTime picker

New feature: checkout fields

Beside simplifying the checkout step bar, a new feature checkout fields is available now for this version 1.2.0. The checkout field is an instance of EasyShop custom field that works as a profile field for the customer user. Now the checkout fields element has been placed at the orders nav of the side navigation and a new section called be 'Additional Information' will be shown from the order detail view in the back-end.

New feature: checkout fields

Compatibility with UIkit 3 template such as Yootheme Pro

EasyShop works with UKUI plugin based on UIKit 3, so now if your template has been provided by Yootheme template that is an instance UIKIT template then EasyShop will disable the local UIkit assets to try to keep away 'Mr. Conflict'.

Consider with your template override

The update release 1.2.0 has changed some contents of the layouts that is possible to override by your template. So, if you have a template that has overridden the EasyShop layouts you should compare it before update to version 1.2.0.

What is the next of plan?

The next version of EasyShop will be compatibility with new privacy component of Joomla! 3.9 and Joomla! 4.0. For Joomla! 3.9 privacy, we will deprecate the internal EasyShop GDPR plugin for sync with Joomla! core purpose.

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